Saturday, October 20, 2012

Life is too short...

The world lost an amazing man this old friend who could make you smile in any situation, who knew just when you needed that hug, someone that you could laugh out loud always generous soul who drew people to him with his charisma and his always positive outlook on life!
His life was cut much too short...he had so much more to live thing I can say about Adam...he lived every second that he had and he sure loved life!
As I look through pictures from the good ol'days, I think back to how at that point in our lives we felt that we have the world at our feet...that anything and everything was possible.......This week reminded me to always continue to think that is all about perspective, how you approach it and how you throw yourself into it and live every single moment.
Adam....thank you for your friendship....thank you for what you brought not only to my life but to lives of many, many others....
The thought of your smile will always bring a smile to my face...
Your kindness will never ever be never be forgotten...

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Note to self and everyone ever:  You know all of those things you’ve always wanted to do?  You should go do them.  Because life is NOW.  We spend virtually our entire lives “planning for the future” and setting things up for what’s ahead.  We are programmed to think about what’s to come instead of what is right now.  Now is the only reality.  The past is gone and the future hasn’t happened yet.  So, 1. Don’t worry.  Worrying is like praying for something you don’t want in the future which isn’t even reality yet.  2. If there is something on your heart and it just won’t leave you and it’s a good thing, just do it already!  The potential for you igniting greatness in your life and so many others is worth the risk!  The alternative is to do nothing and that does… well… nothing.  When you do the good things on your heart - no matter how hard they are - life happens!  You find joy and the world opens up!  You feel light and free and more doors open.  So, don’t wait until the timing is perfect or until that magical day you have no fear.  That’s not going to happen.  The time is now.  Goodness is waiting for you right. this. second.  Go and do.
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Adam....we love you and you will be with us always.....

Friday, October 19, 2012

Natural Beauty....

Oranges, reds, yellows, falling leaves, harvested crops, firewood, crisp blue skies, pumpkins, bare tree limbs, final Farmer's Markets, walks through the forest......
All of these pictures were taken close to home....I feel very lucky to live where we can experience all 4 seasons...but especially Autumn....








Saturday, October 6, 2012

Giving Thanks...

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Happy Thanksgiving!
This is the time of year we gather together to give our thanks to family, friends, community and for all that we are lucky enough to have in our lives...
I am eternally thankful and appreciative for everything in my life....and sometimes it's the 'small stuff'...the 'everyday' events we can take for granted and forget to be thankful for.
Things like.......

... the simple pleasures of a long walk with a friend

..... the sun rising against the trees

.... the memories of loved ones lost
......nature's bounty
....sunsets and storm clouds
........the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
........a warm cup of comfort

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Hope you have a wonderful long weekend!
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