I have a feeling this is another year that is going to fly by and it'll be Christmas again before we know it! I love capturing life via photos and here are a few from the past few weeks!

Beautiful sunset as we were out for our evening walk....

This handsome guy turned 8 on March 5! I can't believe how quickly time does indeed fly by!

With Spring around the corner, I head to Blush to get the perfect minty purse and clutch! I can't wait for a bit warmer weather to work these into the mix!

I've added a few more items to my Rustic Retrievals Etsy shop! This is an Emerald Green Tea/Coffee set. Perfect as we're getting so close to St. Patrick's Day and it's also the colour of 2013!..Pop on over to our shop and have to look to see our other items!

I was finally able to get together with a great friend (A Paper Buffet and Knitley Road) and we had a chance to exchange Christmas gifts (yes, we've both realized we need to slow down a bit). Part of my gift was this absolutely scrumptious homemade Baileys! I've already put in my order for next year (I'm keeping my finger crossed for maybe 2 bottles!) I decided to try it in my latte on a SUnday morning and needless to say, it was TRES YUMMY!

The finished product....It was soooo good!

Last weekend we got our first taste of Spring so Charlie and I headed out to the front porch to enjoy the sunshine and my new issue of House and Home magazine.
As much as I enjoy the snow and colder temperatures, I'm more than ready for Spring to arrive!
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